Trachanas: Greek Comfort Food

Found in every home – Trachanas is a traditional Greek dish that will definitely warm you up this winter. This delicious, heartwarming soup is one of the oldest foods in the Eastern Mediterranean. What is Trahanas Trahanas is a tiny, pebble-shaped product that varies greatly all over Greece. It is a type of pasta that […]
Terkenlis now available!

It is with great honour that we are able to announce our partnership with Terkenlis and the subsequent addition of their delicious products to our online shop at! The Greek Deli has achieved an official partnership with Terkenlis, to import and distribute fresh seasonal produce throughout the year. Terkenlis was established and is still […]
Ouzo, the Summer Spirit of Greek Gods!

It is indeed one of our customers’ favourite products and one of those spirits you cannot forget if once tried on a holiday in Greece. Cyprus also has a similar drink named Zivania but Ouzo is unique to Greece and almost always on the dinner table, especially in the summer months. Ouzo is a strong […]
Benefits of Greek Foods & Herbs

Throughout the pandemic we have all struggled to find the ingredients, herbs and general goods that make our meals that much tastier. Nonetheless, The Greek Deli has remained opened for its customers to make sure they are able to source the best of Greece has to offer. As commonly known, Greek foods have a variety […]
Handling goods during coronavirus

These are unprecedented times and as such, we find it necessary to regularly inform and update our customers not only on our Opening status and times but also the measures we take to ensure your products are delivered safely and in the best possible condition. Corona-virus (or COVID-19 as it is more commonly known) is […]
Merry Xmas & Happy New Year!

It’s that time of the year again when the shops are awash with red colours and sparkly lights, the streets suddenly lined with hearts illuminated whilst everyone is smiling and looking for that last minute gift! It might feel like yesterday when you were making those (dreaded albeit) New Year’s and Xmas resolutions but 2020 […]
Our updated Wholesale products

The Greek Deli is widely knows as one the first and largest importers and manufacturers of Greek and Mediterranean products in the United Kingdom and is recognized for its premium quality products. We pride ourselves on sourcing products that are unique and fresh, grown, reared, and produced in accordance with old Greek traditions and imported […]
Pulses in Mediterranean cuisine

Pulses are almost “staple” food in Greek cuisine and a must-try for anyone visiting the country. If you are raised in Greece, pulses are common, “family” dish served up at least twice a week in your typical household. But what are pulses, why are they so important in Greek diet and generally for a healthy […]
5 Reasons you should include Feta in your diet

Feta in Greece is almost like a “staple” food considering it is practically on our table on a daily basis. Having consumed feta since we were kids, it is difficult to simply focus on a few reasons of why feta is good for you but we will attempt to stop at 5 (five) for “blogging” […]
A Guide on Olive Oil and when to Use

Olive oil plays a vitally important part in the Mediterranean diet that has attracted so much interest from nutritionists and health professionals in recent times. Greeks and Greece are known for their olive oil around the globe due to its unique qualities and taste. It is a proud product for Greeks that scientists have proven […]
Our new Website & Branding

We are pleased to announce the launch of our brand new website with the help of CFM Group! Our aim was to offer our customers and the public a user-friendly, easy to navigate platform, allowing customers and visitors to comfortably browse for information on our products, news from Greece, and other interesting items. Visitors can browse […]